Personally, I was expecting some funny but eventually serious "Oh hey we have superpowers, let's be HEROES!!1!!" movie, but I was actually quite surprised when it turned out to be quite dark and deep.
Okay, so before I go any deeper:
You have been warned. |
From a Media/English student point of view, this movie is actually really good. I kept getting distracted by the pretty shots and the interesting way that it was filmed almost entirely by hand held cameras.
Using hand held cameras has several interesting effects on the movie. It draws the viewer in to the movie, for one, and it also helps us to bond with the main characters, giving us an American Beauty-esqe type of voyeuristic look into their world. But a window is still a barrier, as the main character says, when he is questioned about constantly recording his life.
And it raised a good question of why it's weird that he records things, why we feel so uncomfortable when we are being filmed. Could it be a link to George Orwell's "1984" where the constant scrutiny stops people from rebelling? Is is that we are just afraid to fully commit to our actions? Anything that we do wrong will die with us and all that remember it. Anything that's recorded stands forever.
Which in return relates to modern day society where celebrities are constantly under scrutiny, just like our (hahahaha) protagonists. 100 years from now people will still know how Brittany shaved off her hair, but they won't know about that time you stole something from the corner store or got a perfect score on minesweeper.
The other interesting thing about this movie is the theme of "power corrupts"... except when it doesn't. This movie was cool because only 1/3 of the guys with telekinesis abused that power. I mean sure they mucked around, but only one guy, surprisingly the main guy, actually went bad with it.
And by bad I mean he killed people to save his mum, and then sort of went on a power hungry psychotic rage when he was foiled in his plan to kill him abusive dad. It was done in such a way that you could forgive the guy up to a point.
So yeah, Chronicle is a pretty cool movie, and definitely worth a watch.